The Love Hawk is Back

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything new here. I really have missed sharing all of the dating and relationship advice I learned along the way, through my own personal experiences and the journeys of those closest to me. I must admit, though, there’s a deeper reason as to why this Love Hawk hasn’t actually “Love Hawked” in just about two years.

Your Past isn’t Always Your Future

Who we are today is based on where we’ve been and the things in our past that have molded and shaped us. It’s easy to lose track of time and live in the memories of the good ol’ days, thinking that we’re still the same people we were once upon a time. When it comes…

When it Comes to Dating, Just Chill

Dating. The idea of it might bring excitement to some but most people hear that evil word and feel instant stress. These days, dating itself seems almost obsolete. People don’t like to use that specific term anymore because it sounds too formal. Everyone is scared of the commitment that might be attached to a simple…

Thank You for Ghosting Me

It was really great getting to know you. Thanks for taking me out for dinner, for paying, for the fluid conversations we seemed to have. Thanks for asking me questions about myself and for seeming interested in me. Thanks for making that effort and making me believe that maybe there was something there between us.…

Why Dating in your Thirties is Different than your Twenties

Does anyone really know what they’re doing when it comes to dating anymore? As a newbie to the thirty+ club, it seems that instead of becoming better at conquering the dating scene, I’ve actually regressed. The good part is, apparently I’m not the only one. We’re all running around like chickens with our heads cut…

5 Pointers for Dating a Single Father

Maybe it’s because I’m getting older but it seems like there are more and more single parents cropping up these days and while often times single Moms get most of our attention, it’s just as true that single Dads are strong, committed, caring, and perhaps out searching for love again after going it alone for…