The Love Hawk is Back

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything new here. I really have missed sharing all of the dating and relationship advice I learned along the way, through my own personal experiences and the journeys of those closest to me. I must admit, though, there’s a deeper reason as to why this Love Hawk hasn’t actually “Love Hawked” in just about two years.

Memories are Invincible- A Tribute to Chris Dowd

Visions Camp has been part of my life for twenty years and today it hit me how invincible this place has made me feel during these past two decades. How invincible the relationships I’ve built there have always seemed. For one week each summer, since I was a teenager, this is where the magic happened.…

5 Tips to Owning a Business with Your Partner

Owning a business is a big feat in itself: Figuring out finiancials, deciding on branding, living the rollercoaster life that comes along with entreprenership. Most people start businesses either alone or with friends or family members but for the select few, the true warriors, deciding to start a business with your partner will be the…

You Should Go and Love Yourself

Valentine’s Day: For some, it’s a day of great joy and romance and for others it makes them feel like complete downers, destined to be alone for the rest of their life. Whether you are the former or latter, there is one important thing you should remind yourself this February 14th. Every day is a…

Are Words Stronger than Love?

It’s not something that most folks will admit to the public masses or shout from a street corner but the truth is there are many people out there that withstand excessive verbal abuse within their relationships. It’s an art of twisting words into bullets and firing at close range, usually straight through the heart. Victims…

A Nationals Heartbreak

It’s heartbreaking to watch anything you once loved so much disappear. Whether it is a relationship, a friendship, a tradition or even a job it hurts to see it fall apart; disintegrating into the past and taking with it all of the memories and the good times that once accompanied it. Currently, it is my…

Social Media is not Real Life

Please don’t judge your life based on what you see on my Facebook page. Don’t look at my Instagram and be envious because really, I’m just like you. I decided a long time ago that I didn’t want to use my social media as a depressive tool, I wanted to use it to frame the…